End of Spring Update !
With Summer almost here, I would like to catch you up on my Spring activities and events....

In the forest near the 'Tumulus de St. Michel', Carnac, France.
It has been an active season with the completion of new art, exhibitions, festivals and film releases. Here some of the HIGHLIGHTS:
- OPENING OF SEASON 5 NAIA MUSEUM in Rochefort-En-Terre, France, April 2019.
The theme this year: “Les Mémoires du Futur” / "Tomorrow Revealed"
I've been a part of this creative adventures since its beginnings in 2015 and I've enjoyed the journey. If you are traveling through Brittany in France this year, this singular museum of the imaginary with over 80 artists form around the world will amaze you!
This year, Im showing 'Totem', 'Thoth Hermes', 'Universal Mother', Crest I 7 II as well as my Thoth being part of a museum park installation.
- VISIONARIUM ART FESTIVAL in Cataluña, Spain, May 2019
To see a full album please visit my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/martina.hoffmann.547/media_set?set=a.10159003695939896&type=3
- WORLD AYAHUASVA CONFERENCE in Girona, Spain, 2019.
It was an honour to show my art as part of 'Dreams & Divinities' during this historical event around plant medicine ecology and finding solutions to preserve indigenous cultures and lands.

My art in these photos: 'Caught In The Web', 'Colibri', 'Alien Life Form' and 'Angel Heart'.
- NEW ART created since January 2019:
I've been announcing this for a while but it is finally completed...
This 50 minute documentary film, 'Robert Venosa - In His Own Words’, is based on one of his last talks during a large colloqium on expanded states of consciousness, 'Estados Modificados de Conciencia’ at UAEM, Cuernavaca, Mexico in February of 2010 as well as an interview with Robert and I at the OMEGA INSTITUTE in upstate New York in 2006.
It is richly illustrated with images, animations as well as conference and interview footage with a short video clip and a sound bite of Dr. Albert Hofmann.
So most of the film is spoken by Robert and he’s taking the viewer on a tour through the illuminating and entheogenic experiences that have inspired his art and life...
The DVD is now available online at:
Watch the trailer!
I hope that you've enjoyed this little Spring tour through my life....
and please stay tuned for more updates very soon!
Wishing you a joyous Solstice!
Martina Hoffmann
More updates online at: www.martinahoffmann.com
