Dreaming of Springtime
The first months of this year have been dedicated to starting a new series of paintings. I love using the Winter months to withdraw within myself and to deeply explore the creative process.
As last year was very busy and studio time sparse, this is a very welcome downtime from outward activities.
It's been a while since I shared new paintings with you, so I'd like to give you at least a glimpse of some new piece that are developing right now.....they are is still in progress but you get the idea:

'Hermes Trismegistus', oil on canvas, work in progress, 2017
Please stay tuned for the high res version...will share once the paintings have been completed.
In the meantime I invite you to visit my gallery and Online Boutique. for your personal art collection or gift needs. There's a great selection of limited editions, posters, mini prints, note cards, book marks, apparel and art blankets to choose from!
Art Blankets.....
Limited Edition prints....
Please also enjoy my ONLINE GALLERY , featuring
Wishing you an enjoyable home stretch to Spring!
Martina Hoffmann