• Terence McKenna, R. Sheldrake, R. Abraham: The Unconscious - 1/6
Art ('The Muse Of Conscious awakening') by Martina Hoffmann, 2010:
• Tribute to Ayahuasca - Luis Panduro Vasques, Ayahuasca Songs from the Peruvian Amazon art by Pablo Amaringo, Robert Venosa, Martina Hoffmann, 2009
• LEXIKON DER PHANTASTISCHEN KÜNSTLER - The international encyclopedia
of fantastic & surrealistic & symbolist & visionary artists,
German edition 2009, the Hoffmann biography is on page 424 - 425 and an additional reproduction in color on p. 417, ISBN: 9 783837 084276
• JUXTAPOZ - ful page reproduction, April 2009
• INSCAPE - Spring 2009
• CHIMERIA 2009, 7eme Salon International d'Art Visionnaire - exhibition catalog, Sedan, France 2009
• MOTHER OF MARROW by Taylor Maiden Space - Martina Hoffmann cover art and art reproductions, Nov 30, 2008
• PATHWAYS, Liminal Zine - art catalog, Boom Festival, Portugal 2008
• CONVERGEANCE - event catalog, cober art, Peru 2008
• PLANETARY CATALOGUE - visonarty art catalog, USA 2008
• INNER PATHS TO OUTER SPACE - Journeys to Alien Worlds through Entheogens and Other Spiritual Technologies - by Rick Strassmann, M.D., Slwaek Wotjowicz, M.D., Luis Eduardo Luna, Ph.D. and Ede Frecska, M.D.,art reproductions, Park Street Press, 2008
• INTERDIMENSIONAL ART SHOW - catalog - art reproductions, Seattle 2008
• FEMININE MYSTICISM IN ART : Artists Envisoning The Divine - Art CD - New Paradigm Publishing 2008
• SUBCULTURE / UNDERGROUND ART GUIDE BOOK - art reproduction, February 6, 2008, Tokyo, Japan
• STARSHINE ARTS - catalog 2008
• METAMORPHOSIS - Limited Edition Hard Cover Art Book by Jon Beinart. Publication of 50 Surreal & Fantastic Artists,
BeinArt Publishing 2007
• ULISES - Revsista De Viajes Interiores / NO.9 - art reproductions, Barcelona 2007
• MYTHIC CATALOG - visionary art catalog, art reproductions, 2007
• ULISES / CAÑAMO - La Revista De La Cultura canabis - art reproductions, Barcelona 2007
• MAPS 2007 Art Calendar - art reproduction, 2007
• WESTWORD - art reproduction, Denver 11/15'06
• LIGHTWORKS / THE MONTHLY ASPECTARIAN, Volume 28, No. 3 - cover art - Chicago Nov. 2008
• PATHWAYS - Liminal Zine - art catalog, Boom Festival, Portugal 2006
• TRUE VISIONS - art book by Massimiiano Geraci and Frederica Timeto, featuring the work of Martina Hoffmann, Robert Venosa, Mato Klarwein, Eranst Fuchs, Alex & Alysson Grey, Mateo Guarnaccia, art reproduvtins, art reproductions & interview, Betty Books 2006
• COSM JOURNAL OF VISIONAY CULTURE - Entheo Art, volume IV - art reproductions, New York 2006
• MYTHIC CATALOGUE - visonary art catlog, Synergenesis , San Francisco 2006
• NEXUS - Colorado's Holistic Journal - cover art, Jan./Feb. 2006
•SYSTEM CATALOG - visionary art catalog, art reproductions, 2006
• KAN'NAL - 'Dreamwalker' (CD) - cover art (front & back) as well as on CD - Physics Records, April 2005
• SHAMAN'S DRUM - cover art & art reproduction in magazine - magazine issue #68, 2005
• EYES OF THE SOUL, Exploring Inspiration In Art - (art book by Phillip Rubinov Jacobson, forword by Ken Wilber) - art reproductions and interview - Optimum Druck, Germany 2005
• MEDICINE CATALOGUE - visionary art catalog, art reproductions, MindStates 2005
• VISION CATALOGUE - visionary art catalog - art reproductions - Interdimensional Art Show, Seattle 2005
• MAPS - cover art - volume XIV #2 - USA, 2004
• SYNERGENESIS - visionary art catalog - San Francisco, 11/2004
• SHAMAN'S DRUM - cover art - issue # 66, 2004
• ENTHEOGENE BLÄTTER - cover art - Ausgabe (#) 20, January 2004
• POLITICAMENTE INCORRECTO - El peri--dico desobediente - political magazine, art reproduction - Uruguay 2003
• PSYCHONAUTISCHE LANDKARTE, A trip Into Psychonautic Art - art book, art reproductions - published by Nachtschatten Verlag, Switzerland 2003
• PSYCHONAUTISCHE LANDKARTE - video of exhibition in honor of Dr. Albert Hofmann - Zürich, Switzerland, April 18 - May 18, 2003
• FRENCH TELEVISION - short about the Cadaques painting workshop 2002
• CADAQUES FILM DOCUMENTARY - film on the Cadaques art scene, created by a local German film team - Cadaques, Spain, July 2002
•MAPS - 'Sex, Spirit & Psychedelics' issue - art reproduction & text by the artist - volume XII, number 1, Sarasota, Florida, April 2002
• WELLBEING MAGAZINE - art reproductions - issue #86, Australia, Spring 2002
• INSCAPE, News from the Society for Art of Imagination - art reproduction, London 2002
• DRINKING LIGHTNING - Art, Creativity and Transformation - art book by Phillip Rubinov Jacobson - art reproductions - published in the USA and Canada by Shambhala Publications, and in the UK, in Europe and Internationally by Interface, G & B International. 2001
• VISIONS OF HOME - An American Awakening To Feng Shui - original cover art and design 2001, see DESIGN
• WE'MOON 2000 - art reproductions - Mother Ink Tongue 2000
• SHAMAN'S DRUM MAGAZINE - cover art and art reproduction in magazine - October 1999
• ILLUMINATUS - art book by Robert Venosa - art reproduction and text by the artist - Craftsman House, Sydney, Australia, April 1999, ISBN 90-5703-272-4
• DOUBLE DOSE - CD cover art and CD design in collaborartion with Robert Venosa- Boulder, November 1998, see
• FLORAL PHARMACY - book on herbal medicine by Brigitte Mars - original cover art - designed for Brigitte Mars, Boulder 1998 see DESIGN
• WE'MOON '99 - calendar art reproduction - Mother Ink Tongue 1998
• NEXUS MAGAZINE - cover art - Colorado, Sept./Oct. 1997
• MAGICAL BLEND MAGAZINE - art reproduction, artist portfolio, issue # 56- California, Aug. 1997
• ONE SOURCE, SACRED JOURNEYS (art book) - cover art, art reproductions and article about the artist - Markowitz Publ.,Maui, Hawaii 1997
• MAGICAL BLEND MAGAZINE - art reproduction, issue #51 - California, July 1996
• NEXUS MAGAZINE - cover art - Boulder, Colorado 1996
• NAWANG KECHOG KARUNA - CD cover art and CD design, original photography - Domo Records, Los Angeles California 1995, see DESIGN
• EXPOSE MAGAZINE - art reproductions and article about the artist - Boulder, Colorado1995
• KITARO - MADALA (CD) - original photopgraphy - Domo Records, Los Angeles, California 1994 see DESIGN
• RETURN OF THE GREAT GODDESS - (art & poetry) - art reproduction - Shambhala Publishing, Boston & London 1994
• CELEBRATING WOMEN'S SPIRITUALITY - calendar art reproduction - The Crossing • Press, CA 1994
• VECINO DEL VALLE - art reproduction & article on the art of Martina Hoffmann - Los Angeles, CA 1993
• L.A.TIMES - article on Martina Hoffmann - Los Angeles, CA 1993 see ETC
• ACESSORIES MAGAZINE - article about & photos ofthe 'Goddess Belts' - Santiago, • California 1992 see ETC
• ORNAMENT MAGAZINE - article about & photos of Martina Hoffmann's Goddess Belts' - Connecticut 1992 see ETC
• NOOSPHERES - art book by Robert Venosa - art reproductions and original photography - Pomegranate Artbooks, San Francisco, California 1991, ISBN 0876548176
• 'Martina Hoffmann's world as art ' - ‘Boulder Weekly’ article by Marisa Ware , Boulder, Colorado, September 2, 2010
• 'Landscapes Of the Sacred', Reality Sandwich - online interview & art slideshow, April 2010
• 'All is Energy' - The Visionary Art of Martina Hoffmann - online article/interview by Jan Calloway-Baxter in 'Wise Woman Herbal' - Susan Weed's ezine, Feb. 2010
• L'ARDENAIS - newspaper article, dimanche 8 Mars, 2009, Sedan, France:www.lunion.presse.fr/index.php/cms/13/article/262235/Chimeria___les_annees_Dali_de_Robert_Venosa
• L'ARDENAIS - newspaper article, mercredi 4 Mars, 2009, Sedan France:http://www.lunion.presse.fr/index.php/cms/13/article/260409/Les_maitres_de_l_art_visionnaire_a_Sedan
• INSCAPE, Autumn 2008 - text in honour of Ernst Fuchs' 80th birthday & art reproduction, London, UK 2008
• DAILY GRAGON, Vol 4 / Edition 1 - article and art reproduction - Portugal 2008
• DIALOGS WITH DUNCAN CAMPBELL - interview with Martina Hoffmann - Boulder Television 2006
• TRUE VISIONS - art book by Massimiiano Geraci and Frederica Timeto, featuring the work of Martina Hoffmann, Robert Venosa, Mato Klarwein, Eranst Fuchs, Alex & Alysson Grey, Mateo Guarnaccia, Interview & art reproductions, Betty Books 2006
• EYES OF THE SOUL, Exploring Inspiration In Art - art book by Phillip Rubinov Jacobson, forword by Ken Wilber) - \interview & art reproductions- Optimum Druck, Germany 2005
• DAILY • CAMERA - 'Translating The Innner Lanscape' - article on Martina Hoffmann and Robert Venosa- Nov. 15, 2004
• DAILY DRAGON, Live Vibrating News - Official Boom Fest Newspaper - interview - Portugal 2005
• MAPS - 'Sex, Spirit & Psychedelics' issue - magazine, text & art reproduction by the artist - volume XII, number 1, Sarasota, Florida, April 2002
• CAMPUS PRESS - 'Martina Hoffmann: Portrait Of Fantastic Goddess Artist', volume 44, issue 6 - Boulder, CO March/April 2000
• 'ILLUMINATUS', art book by Robert Venosa - text & art reproduction by the artist - Craftsman House, Sydney, Australia, April 1999, ISBN 90-5703-272-4
• ONE SOURCE, SACRED JOURNEYS (art book) - cover art, article & art reproductions about the artist - Markowitz Publ.,Maui, Hawaii 1997
• MOUNDVILLE, JOURNEY THROUGH TIME (video) - translation and narration, English/German, for Camera One, Seattle 1996
• ANCIENT AMERICA (video) - translation and narration, English/German, for Camera One, Seattle 1995
• EXPOSE MAGAZINE - article & art reproductions about the artist - Boulder, Colorado1995
• VECINO DEL VALLE - article & art reproduction on the art of Martina Hoffmann - Los Angeles, CA 1993
• ACESSORIES MAGAZINE - article about & photos of the 'Goddess Belts' - Santiago, California 1992 see ETC
• ORNAMENT MAGAZINE - article about & photos of Martina Hoffmann's 'Goddess Belts' - Connecticut 1992 see ETC
• DIALOGS WITH DUNCAN CAMPBELL - interview with Martina Hoffmann - Boulder Television 1992
• ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS - article about 'Core Gallery' exhibit - Denver, CO 1991
• CORE GALLERY - video interview - Denver, Colorado 1991
• KGNU - radio interview - Boulder, Colorado 1991
• BAG GALLERY - video interview - Boulder, Colorado 1991
• KGNU - radio interview - Boulder, Colorado Vox Femina II - video of live show - Boulder, Colorado 1991
• GRASSROOTS TELEVISION - interview - Aspen, Colorado 1984
* Robert Venosa & Martina Hofmann - Sketching the Fantastic.wmv - workshop at Boom Festival, Portugal 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__S9hNK-8vU&feature=related
• Robert Venosa & Martina Hoffmann "The Artist's Leap of Faith" - video for and by Omega Institute 2008:
• Robert Venosa & Martina Hoffmann "To Inspire" - video created for and by Omega Institute , May 12, 2008
• Martina Hoffmann 'Cusp' and Aes Dana ' Iris Rotation' - animation by VJ Videolicious 2008
• Martina Hoffmann's 'Spirit' and Aes Dana 'Chernozm Remix' - animation by VJ Videolicious 2008:
• VOX FEMINA VI (video of live show) - live sculpture performance piece and videography of show - at the 'Boulder Theater' and the 'Mercury Cafe, Denver, Colorado 1992
• VOX FEMINA ON THE ROAD (video of live show) - live performance and videography of show - at the 'End Of The Universe Cafe' and 'Cafe Tazza', Taos, New Mexico 1992
• BEST OF VOX FEMINA (video of live show) - live performance and exhibition - at the 'Changing Sscene', Denver, Colorado 1992
• VOX FEMINA V - live performance piece - at the 'Marquis Club', Boulder, Colorado and at the 'Mercury Cafe', Denver, Colorado 1992
• VOX FEMINA III - live performance piece - at 'Ground Zero', Boulder, Colorado 1992